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Book Review: A Merciful Silence by Kendra Elliot

Caitlyn Lynch

Having read and reviewed A Merciful Silence back in January and thoroughly enjoyed it, I jumped at the chance to read this next book in the series. This time around, past and present collide for FBI agent Mercy Kilpatrick when five skeletons are found with injuries identical to those seen in cases of murdered families two decades ago.

The crimes were so brutal nobody could ever forget, but the perpetrator was caught… wasn’t he? The only survivor remembers nothing of that night, but surely it can’t be a coincidence that the new murders happened right after she returned to town.

At the same time, her partner, police chief Truman Daly, becomes involved in an investigation of a group of so-called ‘Sovereign Citizens’ who believe the laws of the US don’t apply to them. When Truman disappears in mysterious circumstances, Mercy must somehow deal with her emotional turmoil and continue investigating her current case.

Mercy is such a well-fleshed out character, I almost feel as though I know her. I have the actress Krysten Ritter (Jessica Jones) in mind when I think of her… small, tough, dark and haunted. Having learned that the first book in the series has been optioned for TV, I really hope Krysten is in contention for the title role!

In this book, I feel we got to know Truman better too, and he’s another great character. Kendra Elliot really has a great grip on this series now and I look forward to more great books in the series, and hopefully a TV series one day very soon!

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for review through NetGalley.

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