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Caitlyn Lynch
Oct 13, 20182 min read
Non-Fiction Fridays Book Review: Fool Proof Outline by Christopher Downing
Full title: Fool Proof Outline: A No-Nonsense System for Productive Brainstorming, Outlining, & Drafting Novels - Christopher Downing I’m...
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Caitlyn Lynch
Sep 17, 20163 min read
Paid Book Features: Bargain Booksy
I see a lot of folks talking about what paid book promos (if any) actually work. I've tried a fair few, through Fiverr, Twitter and other...
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Caitlyn Lynch
Aug 11, 20164 min read
Plotting With Trello
That sounds kind of nefarious, doesn't it? As though Trello is perhaps some mysterious, sexy Italian who you're teaming up with to cover...
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Check out my new romantic suspense, Ranger's Rescue, available now in Kindle Unlimited!
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