A charming novella, this story focuses on Christy and her daughter Jill, a little girl living with the life-threatening Type 1 diabetes. Despite the title I didn't feel that this was a 'Christmas' book specifically... it would have been so easy to have Joel discover that Christy and Jill had no money to celebrate Christmas and have him play Santa for them.
A charmingly written 'sweet' romance, I have to say that the story felt a little thin on character development. The character we got to know best was Jill, who was absolutely adorable, but I didn't feel that there was much time for the romance to develop between Christy and Joel.
Four stars for good writing and especially the attention to medical detail of Jill's illness, but I can't really say that I loved it.
Disclaimer: I received an ARC of this book for review through The Romance Reviews.