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Caitlyn Lynch

Book Review: Sweet Christmas Romances 2017 anthology

Sweet Christmas Romances 2017 is exactly what it says on the box... a collection of five Christmas romance books which are sweet - in more ways than one. All of the heroines are bakers, either amateur or professional, and the sweet Christmas treats they produce are in some way instrumental to their story. At the end of each book, the author shares a recipe which has been featured in the story - and they all look really yum. I've definitely planning to try out the Bourbon Bacon Cupcakes and the Chocolate Kiss Cookies, at the very least!

Recipes aside, let me quickly run through and rate the stories for you.

Evie's Chocolate Christmas Kisses by Sharon Kleve

This was probably my least favorite story, to be honest. I found it to be very rushed and insta-love, which isn't my cup of tea.

Analeigh's Christmas Cupcakes by Jennifer Conner

I really loved this one about a cupcake baker on her way to a wedding whose work is wrecked by a hit-and-run and the tow truck driver who comes to her rescue. It's actually really nice to read a 'normal' hero... i.e. someone who isn't a billionaire or a Navy SEAL, but just a regular working-class guy who still manages to be a hero to somebody.

Chrissy's Christmas Sugar Cookies by Angela Ford

This one's a little bit insta-love too, but my God, I loved the heroine. Chrissy is sassy and fierce and won't let anyone get her down, not even the Bugatti-driving billionaire who's about to ruin her dream.

Amy's Christmas Casserole by Tammy Tate

I really liked Amy, a recovering assault victim, and Cass aka Casanova, the Navy SEAL she stumbles over. However, this book also featured an awkward love triangle with Amy's trusted friend Logan which really detracted from the story, for me. I was actually hoping it would turn into a threesome, to be honest!

Margie's Magic Cookie Bars by Laura Strickland

Probably my favorite story in the bunch. Margie's got a hopeless crush on a co-worker and can't see that he's a self-centered pr*ck, so she misses the shy, charming guy who has heart-eyes for her - until a little Christmas magic saves the day.

Overall, this is a strongly written and edited bunch of stories, and while they weren't quite to my personal taste (I normally like a little more spice in my romances) I know anyone craving a dose of pure sweetness will love them, at Christmas or any other time of year. I'm happy to give this collection 5 stars.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for review through NetGalley.

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