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  • Caitlyn Lynch

ALL NEW EDITION! Let's Get Digital is updated and better than ever!

Anyone who's asked me about self-publishing advice will confirm that the one thing I always tell them to do is buy David Gaughran's fantastic book Let's Get Digital. (I reviewed the old edition here).

Well, if you didn't take the plunge yet, do it NOW. The new edition is releasing on January 25th and in pre-order, it's only 99¢!!!

Yes, I bought the new edition. David is an incredibly well-respected voice in the self-publishing world and he says it's packed full of new info, so I'm more than happy to pay my 99¢. I have no doubt I'll get a return on my investment many times over.

Disclaimer: while I've interacted with David many times on social media (and he's lovely) I'm certainly not being compensated in any way for this post, except for the fact that I use Amazon Associates links.

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