What’s a rake to do when all his vices have lost their appeal? Tristan Sinclair is tired of living up to everyone else’s low expectations. His father’s dour predictions have become something of a self-fulfilling prophecy; after all, if nobody expects you to do anything good, you might as well just be bad.
Stumbling across a young woman sobbing her heart out in the woods, though, Tristan has no audience to play to, and he’s touched by her plight. He can’t quite get her out of his mind, even though he knows he has no business thinking of the shy little companion to the woman who’s determined to snare him in marriage.
Getting caught in the conservatory with Miss Valentine March is a disaster for everyone concerned - Valentine is promptly dismissed by her employer and Tristan cut off by his disgusted father. Tristan, though, has finally found his conscience, and Valentine’s surprising belief in his ability to be a better man makes him determined to prove his father wrong.
Perhaps the lesson is that sometimes, all it takes is one person to believe in you. Even if nobody else in the world has faith that you can achieve your dreams, just one person really can make all the difference.
With that message at the core of the story, this is a really heart-warming romance. I was charmed by Valentine’s faith and Tristan’s determination, and very much believed in their romance. Five stars.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book for review through NetGalley.